recovery, CPTSD, work, marketing, magic Amy Saunders recovery, CPTSD, work, marketing, magic Amy Saunders

The Importance of Love & Irreverence

"I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment.– Diego Rios, Chilean Anarchist

 I stumbled upon Rios’ quote in my last year of University, tying together a blog piece by Mandy Hiscocks, an activist who spent much of 2012 in jail for her activity in the G20 protests. Since then, it has remained a staple in my thinking, whether it be a disdain for corrupt power, a desire to eradicate and change systems, or the unquenchable need to create anew: I have never had room for guilt, nor fear.

Rules are made to be broken.

It has constantly reminded me why it’s important to be a shit disturber – and to make my irreverent characteristics work for me, and to use them to do good. Shit disturbing has been my best quality as a marketer – when used properly, with love and compassion.

But first, I need to back it up a bit.

How did I get so fucking irreverent? As an undergrad, I engaged with fringe societies, traveling to Montreal for the Carré Rouge protests, bussing to New York for Occupy celebrations and sleeping in parks. I studied critical politics, closely investigating the happenings of the day through a critical gender lens, with a precise focus on the political events of the late 2010’s. I incorporated my learnings from these radical groups and my academic critical investigations of power dynamics into my daily life.

Throughout my education and working life, I have steadily climbed a ladder of radical and critical thought, rather than a corporate ladder.   

At the start of the Occupy movement (following the 2008 harsh economic downturn), the prospects of real social and global change ignited a passion for causes I had cared for my whole life.  I organized, I wrote, I volunteered, I worked.  I investigated the limits of societal comfort to expand the human capacity for fairness and just systems.

I have always known about the power of words and the power of an impassioned few, from a young age.

When I reflect back, I realize that my irreverence and ability to disrupt the shit didn’t start only after I got a fancy education. It started long ago.

From my earliest work experience, I knew normal power structures weren’t going to work for me.  In my first job at age 14, I was sweeping popcorn and selling movie tickets, and seeing free movies whenever I wanted. I was told any normal 14-year-old would leap at working at the local movie theatre. Then I happened across Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto and it provided a language to identify what I deemed unfair processes that alienated myself and my colleagues -  all of us, young teenagers from low-income and immigrant families - from our labour and its profits. I brought this language to my workplace and colleagues. We threatened to strike and begin a union for fair treatment, just wages, and non-exploitative work with unprejudiced chances for advancement.

I was banned from the property for five years. 


Later I became a student of Critical Sexuality Studies at York University and worked to disrupt the structures of “space” within the university. I organized campus Feminist Porn Film Festivals and panel discussions on HIV and AIDS stigmatization. I founded a bursary for sex workers in academia and published the University’s first queer zine, ‘Grey Zone’. I became accustomed to conceiving bold, new ideas and bringing them to life, while getting other students engaged and active. 

I have always been compelled to call others to action and to create change. It has always been important to me to question, to dismantle, and to eventually recreate.

Hearing of my work with the York University Wendy Babcock Bursary Award, Maggie’s Sex Workers Action Project called me for an Indiegogo fundraising campaign in 2014 to increase their street-workers safety, while raising general awareness, and fighting Bill C-36, a Bill detrimental to their workers’ safety. Avoiding the pitfalls of any regular A-B campaign, I took risks and aimed high: I gained the support of one of the adult entertainment industry’s most notoriously outspoken performers. The campaign went viral across Canada, the US and Europe, and raised more than 130% of its fundraising goal. 

People in the media caught wind of our work, and important spokespeople from Maggie’s argued the Bill on television.

At that time, Bill C-36 failed to passed.

In 2015, a film studio offered me an internship in their Canadian office. It was difficult for me to understand the complexities of corporate life – there were so many things left unsaid, untouched, undiscussed within corporate culture. Corporate life felt like swimming in a fishbowl while no one would acknowledge that we were indeed just fish. I engaged with my work as best as I could. Invariably, I came up against superiors with my big ideas and plans. One or two big ideas, from the part-time intern, is good. But when will they give up and just pack boxes? Eventually, I burned out.

I left and began working with documentary films – I felt as if my creative contributions would be able to drive positive change in the world. Bringing awareness to important issues was always important to me. I felt like I had placed myself in a sea of other shit disturbers, their method was film, mine was marketing and publicity. With this newfound position at a documentary festival organization, I worked with my team to bring awareness to all of the films we were working with. With my guidance, we launched a new video campaign across North America. It was a record-breaking year for the marketing team.


But, my spirit felt quiet. Dampened. Constricted. There had to be more.

After multiple working experiences that taught me the value of my own skills as an innovative strategist and systems designer, I decided to launch my own business. As time had gone on in my career, I started to feel as though I wasn’t contributing to a changing world. The positive changes that I wanted to see in the world weren’t happening. I had given up my disruptive and rebellious nature to try to fit into a corporate culture that didn’t fit.

I shook the poorly fitting corporate clothes from me and launched into the next phase of my career, one that would also be my longest job yet: CEO and founder of AlphaPR.  

I started a publicity agency in Toronto based solely on both my shit disturbing nature, and my capacity for compassion and empathy – a deadly but gentle mix, in my opinion.


At the forefront of my work with Alpha was always the desire to bring historically marginalized stories to the masses. I used my clout and connections from my time at big studios and with popular festivals, to help women, survivors, queer folks, and creators of colour tell their stories – through film, through art, through books and music.

It was an exceptionally fulfilling time. I never faltered on my convictions, and my morals.

Over time, I softened. I have learned that, with irreverence, must come compassion and gentleness. I have had to do so without fear.

In a world where it is imperative to act with conviction, even if and especially when I am disrupting the status quo, I have to be unflinching as well with my gentleness.

I have to be unforgiving with my kindness.

I can rebel, I can question, I can challenge. I can do so without guilt.

But I must love. And I must love without fear.

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Being ‘The Problem Child’, or: Growing Up With Narcissism.

Six years into my journey of recovery from narcissism and childhood abuse, I recall with a comforting familiarity what Maya Angelou meant when she said ‘it was not that I didn’t remember, it was that I could not bring myself to remember.”

Six years into my journey of recovery from narcissism and childhood abuse, I understand with a comforting familiarity what Maya Angelou meant when she said ‘it was not that I didn’t remember, it was that I could not bring myself to remember.”

I grew up in a home that was constantly praised by people on the outside for its charity, its strong women, and its endurance. My mom liked to ‘take in strays’ as she called it, and express that she didn’t need a man to support her. For all intents and purposes, it seemed like an advanced, modern, feminist home in the ‘90’s, wherein my mother was raising two strong, young women to be independent and self-determining. But my mom was (or I guess, still is) a covert narcissist.

On the inside, my childhood home was a condemning, violent, shame-filled and unstable place. Police officers frequently knocked on our door during yelling matches. I was forced to work as early as 12, and hand money over to pay for rent and food, instead of my mother seeking proper governmental support for being a single parent. Where people saw my mother claiming she never needed a man to fulfill her, I heard constant vitriol about my father and how terrible all men are. Where people saw a supportive mother who wanted to be close to her children, I had a mother who asked if she really had to show up to my school plays, concerts, and recitals and wasn’t I a little old to need so much attention? Where people thought I was spoiled, I experienced a mother who, each year, told me this birthday was going to be my last. I was manipulated, scapegoated, gaslit, physically and sexually abused, publicly humiliated and blamed.

By 13 years old, I was suicidal. By 14, I was drinking and smoking heroin. By 16, I was hospitalized for alcohol poisoning and I rarely made an appearance at home during evenings, weekends or holidays. I quickly became what any dysfunctional family unit would call ‘The Problem Child’. Afraid to face their own truths, most of the negative attention of the family was directed at me. I took on the blame for the general misery and toxic environment that was my childhood home.

 This is manipulative work of a narcissist: the projection of an outward image of perfection while creating a cruel and cold environment with their families.

For many years, I felt very confused. Once I got sober, the confusion seemed to intensify: Drinking was an amazing way to numb the pain of lost memories and a short-lived childhood riddled with neglect and abuse.

 It has taken me thirty years to come out of the fog of narcissistic abuse. I am still emerging from the fog on a daily basis. Sometimes, I will simply be reading a book that triggers a realization and suddenly, I am in a black hole of grief. For three days, I will be thinking to myself ‘how did I not remember that?’, then I am left reliving and re-feeling all the pain that was not safe for me to feel as a young child.

After being in the work of untangling my life from abuse for the past six years, I realize there were signs that there was significant abuse in my childhood all along. I just didn’t know how to read them. 

1.     My childhood memories were all hazy

For many years, I only remembered what I would call ‘black spots’ in my childhood. Before the age of 13 or 14, there were big swaths of time that seemed to be completely erased from my memory.

I would try to look back and think about my childhood, or what it was like growing up and I couldn’t. Not only could I not recall what I now know to be abuse with any clarity, but I could not recall ‘the good times’ either.

My entire childhood was a black hole that I could not see through until I gained some physical and mental sobriety.

Outside resources such as ACA, therapy and reading about CPTSD has helped me to identify the abuse. They’ve also helped me to recall memories from my own childhood.

2.     Something felt ‘off’, but I never knew what

Things always felt terrible when I was a child. There were countless days that I would be ‘sick’ and not go to school. I frequently missed class in high school. I was constantly exhausted, suffering severe migraines, stomach pains and intense body aches. I would have mystery illnesses for days that no one could diagnose. They would just one day disappear. I had an eating disorder.

Going home always felt like a death sentence to me. After a day of school or a weekend at work, coming home felt like crawling into a coffin. Coming home after spending a weekend at a friend’s place felt like burying myself again and again. And I spent many weekends at friends’ places.

I could never put my finger on why I hated being at home so much, or why being around my family caused so much anxiety. I could never figure out why I had such severe panic episodes, depression, and dissociation.

Eventually, I learned about covert narcissism and the dysfunctional family unit. It was as if someone pinned my life on the donkey’s ass, for the first time ever.

The gnawing feeling in my stomach that I have felt my whole life, intensified until eventually it moved into my throat and came out as I spoke my truth.

3.     Alcohol and drugs felt grounding to me

The only thing that got me through the things I could not bring myself to remember was drugs and alcohol.

Growing up, I was often stuck in a day dream, not grounded in reality. Day dreaming was a huge escape for me as a child. I had to be able to dream that somewhere, somehow, life was better and easier than this.

Once I found drugs and alcohol at 13, I felt my feet touch the ground. My shoulders relaxed. My jaw unclenched. I laughed easier. Not only that, the thoughts of dying and hating myself started to float away.

It became my only ark in a flooded plain of abuse and terror.

Alcohol brought me to myself before it brought me to my knees. (But after that, I needed community-care of course).


In recognizing the signs in the past few years, much of the fog created by abuse and narcissism has lifted. I am still pulling on strings and seeing what belief system or memory unravels with a simple tug. I am constantly amazed at the well of memory in my body that needs to be released.

When you begin to heal from growing up in a narcissistic home and undo the damage of being the generational Problem Child, you begin to see them everywhere: in the grocery stores being ignored by dad, on the streets being shamed by mom, even in your friends homes, being bullied by their older sisters. Each time I encounter one of my own, I pass on an immense amount of golden light, casting a protective shell around them.

I pray that they too will be lifted from the fog. If not today, then tomorrow, or the next day. But I pray for them that it happens, just as it happens to me, and that one day they can speak the truth that is silenced inside them for years to come.

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Amy Saunders Amy Saunders


“This is the only way that the unbelievable is to be believed. In my life now, I create worlds for a living. I am a marketer, a writer, a PR, a storyteller, and a builder.

My recovery from life has been infused with the magic to believe the unbelievable, a gift from the rubble of my past.”

Let me tell you what you can expect here and why. Simply put, you will encounter:

Recovery, Feminism, and Fairy Tales.

Now let me tell you why.

I come from what my AA sponsor loves to call “a hard place”. I picked up a lot of tools to survive that hard place. Alcoholism, drug addiction, codependency, and a plethora of medical diagnoses including Complex PTSD (to say the least). I have spent the better part of the last ten years recovering from that hard place that was ripe with narcissist abuse, sexual abuse, violence, and emotional traumas.  So, you’re going to encounter some Recovery here.

This next bit should be self-explanatory.


Women are humans, as are all people on the gender spectrum. As a self-identifying queer woman, I ‘came to’ in my first interactions with feminism and feminist text in the seventh grade. My sister handed me a small, old book from the school library with the spine giving out. It said ‘The Awakening’ by someone named Kate Chopin across the front title page. I have never returned that library book. I have had to recover from patriarchy just as much as I have had to recover from alcoholism and abuse.

Lastly, Fairy Tales. Sometimes, in order to live, and to survive unbelievable and impossible things, you have to believe that the impossible can happen.

That is the only way that the unbelievable is to be believed. In my life now, I create worlds for a living. I am a marketer, a writer, a PR, a storyteller, and a builder.

My recovery from life has been infused with the magic to believe the unbelievable, a gift from the rubble of my past.

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