Amy Saunders Amy Saunders


“This is the only way that the unbelievable is to be believed. In my life now, I create worlds for a living. I am a marketer, a writer, a PR, a storyteller, and a builder.

My recovery from life has been infused with the magic to believe the unbelievable, a gift from the rubble of my past.”

Let me tell you what you can expect here and why. Simply put, you will encounter:

Recovery, Feminism, and Fairy Tales.

Now let me tell you why.

I come from what my AA sponsor loves to call “a hard place”. I picked up a lot of tools to survive that hard place. Alcoholism, drug addiction, codependency, and a plethora of medical diagnoses including Complex PTSD (to say the least). I have spent the better part of the last ten years recovering from that hard place that was ripe with narcissist abuse, sexual abuse, violence, and emotional traumas.  So, you’re going to encounter some Recovery here.

This next bit should be self-explanatory.


Women are humans, as are all people on the gender spectrum. As a self-identifying queer woman, I ‘came to’ in my first interactions with feminism and feminist text in the seventh grade. My sister handed me a small, old book from the school library with the spine giving out. It said ‘The Awakening’ by someone named Kate Chopin across the front title page. I have never returned that library book. I have had to recover from patriarchy just as much as I have had to recover from alcoholism and abuse.

Lastly, Fairy Tales. Sometimes, in order to live, and to survive unbelievable and impossible things, you have to believe that the impossible can happen.

That is the only way that the unbelievable is to be believed. In my life now, I create worlds for a living. I am a marketer, a writer, a PR, a storyteller, and a builder.

My recovery from life has been infused with the magic to believe the unbelievable, a gift from the rubble of my past.

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